COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) provides friendship and companionship to isolated members of our ageing community. Community Visitors enrich the lives of residents making them feel valued and connected within their local community through regular visits. Volunteering with the CVS program also benefits volunteers by broadening social groups and creating deeper connections amongst the community.

Our ageing residents have been identified as some of our most vulnerable community members. CVS Volunteers visit those who:
- Do not have regular contact with friends or relatives
- Whose quality of life could be enhanced by regular visitation
- Who are socially isolated and lonely benefiting from additional contact
What is a CVS volunteer? A CVS volunteer visits and befriends an ageing community member either living in an aged care facility or their own residence.
Who can be a CVS volunteer? Our program seeks a diverse range of volunteers, of all genders, cultural backgrounds, ages and abilities who enjoy connecting with ageing members of the community. CVS volunteers must be over 18 years old.
How do CVS volunteers improve a person’s social connectedness? The CVS program fills an important role by ensuring those socially isolated, in need of companionship and a friendly face, feel cared for and connected within their community.
Who can access the CVS? The Community Visitors Scheme is available to recipients of Australian Government subsidised residential aged care services or Home Care Packages, including those on the waiting list, who have been identified by their aged care provider as at risk of isolation or loneliness. CVS visits are not available to recipients of Home and Community Care (HACC) services.
How is the visit spent? The time can be spent in a variety of ways such as working on a hobby together, having a cuppa and a chat or if the care recipient is able, they might go on a walk or outing together. If you or resident is unwell, particularly in the current climate, you can make phone calls, write letters and send cards to stay in contact. There really are no limits to what you can do.
Where is CVS run? CVS is run across various states of Australia. Volunteering North East manage the CVS program for the entire Hume region.

DO CARE Do Care is a very similar program to the Community Visitors Scheme. It is a social support program run in the Rural City of Wangaratta for residents who live at home and may need assistance carrying out daily living tasks and who are experiencing social isolation. Who can access the Do Care program? People who have a My Aged Care plan through the Commonwealth Home Support Program and the Home and Community Care Program for younger People.