Dear partners and volunteers,

On 30th of June 2022, funding for The Volunteer Centre (formerly known as Skillsbank), will conclude and services provided by The Centre for Continuing Education Inc. matching volunteers to local organisations will cease.

For future assistance in sourcing volunteers or registering as a volunteer involving agency, please refer to the Volunteering Victoria website.

There are useful resources for you to freely access:
You can also register your organisation or individual volunteers by following the link to register with other online volunteering platforms including.

GoVolunteer and Seek Volunteer:

Or Register your organisation for emergency volunteering on the – ‘WeVolunteer’ page:

We thank all of the volunteers who have supported our wonderful community groups with assistance through The Volunteer Centre and encourage those looking to volunteer to embrace the new delivery channels.

With thanks
Deb Humphreys
Community Development Program Co-ordinator